Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Introduction & Outline

Hey, and thanks for taking the time to read this blog. My hope is that this blog will be helpful to those of you are interested in growing in your faith and better understanding the world around you in light of the Scriptures. Therefore I have named this blog "Where Culture Meets Christ." The inspiration for this title came from a book entitled "Christ And Culture" by Richard Niebuhr. In his book Niebuhr outlines the possible relationships between Christ and the culture. Everywhere we turn articles are being written, books published, idea proliferated, and news reports presented. Behind each of these is an ideology, and unless we are trained by the Scriptures to discern and discriminate against these ideologies we could easily be swayed by unsound doctrine. As a result, this blog will help us work through what is happening in the culture around us and be able to understand these things in light of the Word of God.
Now allow me to take just a moment to outline how this blog will be presented and maintained. Each month I will select an article that I believe needs to be addressed and hopefully link that article to this website for you to read. My main post, each month, will be on the contents of that article. Throughout the month, once every week or so, I will post comments on the selected article and my blog article that provoke further thought, consideration, and exploration into the topic. If you have any comments or questions you are welcome to attach those to the topic thread. However, let me remind you that whereas there is room to disagree in the body of Christ we must never be disagreeable, so please keep your comments Christ-like and courteous. I hope this blog serves to edify and equip you to be a more effective witness in an antagonistic world.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great Blog idea. I can't wait to read more!